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Acts 22

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. Thank You for the example of Paul and his unwavering faith in You despite the obstacles he faced. Help me to have the same kind of faith and trust in You, even when things seem impossible. Give me the courage and strength to follow Your will for my life, just as Paul did.

Please give me the wisdom and discernment to recognize Your voice and the obedience to follow Your leading. Help me to be bold in sharing Your love and truth with others, just as Paul did. And may Your Holy Spirit empower me to overcome any opposition or challenges that come my way as I seek to live for You.

Thank You for Your great love and grace, and for the hope and salvation found in Jesus Christ. May I never lose sight of Your amazing love and the eternal hope I have in Him.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on