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Ezekiel 40

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Dear God,

thank You for Your Word and for this chapter that reminds me of Your faithfulness and love. Thank You for the detailed description of the temple and the importance of worship and reverence in Your presence.

As I meditate on this passage, I pray that You would help me to approach You with reverence and awe, just as the temple in Ezekiel’s vision symbolizes. Help me to prioritize time with You and to honor You in all that I do.

I also pray that You would reveal any areas in my life that need to be aligned with Your will, just as the measurements and dimensions in the temple were precise. Help me to surrender my life completely to You and to seek Your guidance in all things.

Thank You for Your grace and mercy, and for the opportunity to come before You in prayer. May I always seek You with a pure and humble heart.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on