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Genesis 14

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Dear God,

thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. Thank You for the powerful example of faith and obedience that we see in the life of Abraham. He trusted in You and was willing to step out in faith, even in the midst of great challenges and uncertainties.

I pray that You would help me to have the same kind of unwavering faith and trust in You. Help me to remember that nothing is impossible for You and that You are always faithful to Your promises. Give me the strength and courage to follow Your leading, even when it seems difficult or uncertain.

I also lift up any challenges or uncertainties that I am currently facing. Please give me wisdom and guidance as I navigate these situations, and help me to trust in Your timing and Your plans.

Thank You for Your unending love and grace. I am grateful for Your presence in my life and for the peace that comes from knowing You. May Your will be done in all things.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on