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Genesis 26

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. Thank You for the example of obedience and trust in You that we see in the life of Isaac. Help us to have faith like his, to trust in Your provision and to obey Your will no matter the circumstances.

Just as You blessed Isaac and made him prosper in the land, we ask for Your blessings and provisions in our lives. Help us to be faithful and obedient to You, and to rely on Your wisdom and guidance in all we do.

May we also learn from the way Isaac handled conflicts and challenges, seeking peaceful solutions and trusting in Your protection. Help us to have the same wisdom and discernment in our own lives.

Thank You, Lord, for being our constant source of strength and for always guiding us. We trust in Your faithfulness and thank You for Your love. Help us to remember this passage and to seek to live in obedience and trust like Isaac.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on