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Genesis 30

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. I am grateful for the reminder that You are the one who opens and closes wombs and that Your timing is perfect. Help me to trust in Your sovereignty and to patiently wait for Your blessings in my life.

I pray for the grace to be content with what You have given me and to not be envious of others. Help me to see the ways You have blessed me and to be thankful for Your provision.

I also ask for Your guidance and wisdom in all my decisions, knowing that You are the one who ultimately directs my path. Grant me faith to believe that You can turn any situation around for good, just as You did for Leah and Rachel.

Thank You for being a God who sees me and cares for me. I surrender my desires and dreams to You, knowing that Your plans for me are always good. May I continue to seek Your will and trust in Your faithfulness.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on