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Isaiah 29

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. Thank You for the reminder that You are the potter and we are the clay, and that You have the power to shape and mold us according to Your will. Help us to be open and receptive to Your leading, and to trust in Your plans for our lives.

Please open our eyes and ears to hear Your voice and understand Your wisdom. Grant us the wisdom and understanding to discern Your will for our lives, and the courage and strength to walk in obedience to Your ways. Help us to be humble and patient as we wait for Your timing and Your perfect work in our lives.

Father, we confess that we often try to take control and go our own way. Please forgive us for our pride and self-reliance, and help us to surrender to Your will and Your purposes. We know that You are always working for our good, and we trust in Your faithfulness.

Thank You for Your love and for the promise of Your presence with us always. May Your Holy Spirit guide and empower us to live for Your glory. Help us to bear fruit that will bring honor and praise to Your name.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on