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Matthew 19

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. Thank You for teaching us about marriage, divorce, and the importance of living a life that honors You. Help us to seek Your wisdom and guidance in all our relationships and decisions.

Lord, please help us to have a heart of forgiveness and reconciliation, just as You have forgiven us and reconciled us to Yourself through Jesus Christ. May we always seek to love and serve others with selfless devotion, and to honor the sacredness of marriage and family.

Give us the strength to uphold Your standards in a world that often promotes selfishness and individualism. Help us to be humble and willing to learn from You, and to be faithful stewards of the gifts and responsibilities You have given to us.

We ask for Your grace and mercy to sustain us in every trial and difficulty, and for Your peace to fill our hearts and minds as we trust in You. May we always seek Your Kingdom first and live according to Your will, knowing that You are our loving Father who cares for us deeply.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on