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Proverbs 26

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter that teaches us about the consequences of foolishness and the importance of wisdom. Help me to always seek and follow wisdom in my thoughts, words, and actions. Give me discernment to recognize and avoid foolishness and to walk in the paths of righteousness.

I pray that You would guard my heart and mind from the influence of foolish and deceitful people, and that You would grant me the courage to speak the truth in love. Lead me in the way of wisdom and help me to be a shining light of Your truth in a world filled with darkness.

May I continually seek Your guidance and wisdom in all that I do, and may I rely on Your strength to overcome any temptation to act foolishly. Keep me mindful of the weight of my words and actions, and help me to always represent Your kingdom well.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on