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Psalms 88

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this text that reminds me of the importance of being honest with my feelings before You. You know the depths of my sorrow and the pain I feel, and I am grateful that I can come to You in moments of despair.

I lift up my heavy heart to You, knowing that You understand and care for me. Help me to find strength and hope in You, even when everything around me feels dark and overwhelming. I trust that Your love for me is unwavering, and I cling to the promise of Your comfort and presence in my life.

Guide me through this time of distress, and restore my faith in Your goodness. I pray for Your light to shine through the darkness, and for Your peace to fill my troubled soul. Surround me with Your love and give me the courage to carry on, knowing that You are with me every step of the way.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on