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Zechariah 11

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Dear God,

thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. Thank You for speaking to us through Your prophet and for revealing Your heart for Your people.

As I reflect on the imagery of the shepherds and the flock in this chapter, I am reminded of Your tender care and provision for Your children. You are the Good Shepherd who leads us, protects us, and provides for us. Thank You for Your faithfulness and love.

I also lift up any areas in my life where I have been like the unfaithful shepherds, neglecting or mistreating those under my care. Please forgive me and help me to align my heart with Yours, so I can lead and love others as You do.

I pray for Your guidance and strength to follow Your lead, and to be a faithful reflection of Your love and provision to those around me. Help me to hear Your voice clearly and to follow Your direction without hesitation.

Thank You, Lord, for Your patience with me and for Your constant presence in my life. I trust in Your provision and care, and I surrender all my concerns and needs to You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on