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Isaiah 59

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Dear God,

thank You for Your Word and for this chapter that reminds me of Your promise to always be with us and to be our strength in times of trouble. Thank You for Your love and faithfulness that never wavers.

As I reflect on the words in this passage, I ask for Your help in recognizing the areas in my life where I have fallen short and sinned against You. I pray for Your forgiveness and for the strength to turn away from those sinful habits. Help me to be a vessel of Your love and righteousness in this world.

I also lift up to You the brokenness and injustice that I see around me. I ask for Your mercy and for Your healing touch to be upon those who are suffering. Help me to be a light in the darkness and a voice for the voiceless, just as You have called us to be.

Thank You, God, for Your grace and for the hope we have in Your promises. Help me to hold fast to Your Word and to continue to seek Your presence in all things.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on